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International Human Resource Management

Enschede · 19 ambassadors · 39 questions
Nevena KaloyanGoranDaria LeanderAleksViktorPlamenaLisa-Marie ScharfAndréHristo GergovskiBang DuongCordeliaLena AssenbaumYanislavMy DoJulia DormannPolina

You will gain in-depth knowledge of the relationship between human behavior, work and organizations. You will also learn practical skills that enable you to understand and influence the people in an organization. The programme offers valuable practical training in the form of projects. In project groups, so-called labs, you will work on challenging assignments for companies. “I have classes such as law, psychology, intercultural communication, business and finance management – these are just “big names”, each implying a complex and impressive content.” Anne-Louise, from Germany 🇩🇪

Answered questions

International Human Resource Management

What do like the most of your program?

Nikitta, about 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

erasmus+ language requirement

Nancy , 11 months ago
International Human Resource Management

If i didnt pass first year and they told me i failed everything can i do it again next year ?

Dyako, about 1 year ago
International Human Resource Management

What happen if you don’t get the credits needed for first year? Can u still do de degree in 4 years?

Maria, over 1 year ago
International Human Resource Management

How do I go about the onboarding process?

Favour, over 1 year ago
International Human Resource Management

What is the amount/percentage of international students compared to Dutch students at IHRM at Saxion?

Kai, almost 2 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Can an International students pay in installments or would have to pay all the tuition fees before a student can start with saxion?

Margaret, almost 2 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Do I have to pay the entire tuition at the beginning? I mean can I pay part of it first and the rest of the tuition later? ( I am a non_EU student)

Bita, almost 2 years ago
International Human Resource Management

1 year tuition fee

Shakib hosen, about 2 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, do Nigerian students need to submit a proof of English?

Ifeanyi , over 2 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Does the university offers fully funded scholarships for international students? Syrian students to be exact.

Muhammad , almost 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, what days are the lectures? I read that there are mostly 4 days a week when needs to be physically in college. Which days is it mostly and is it mostly morning or afternoon?

Boze, almost 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, I was wondering what the curriculum is like. Is it possible for you to send it to me please? Thank you!

Selma Al-Enezi, about 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, i would like to know how many hours a day we will have to study. Thank you.

Viktòria, about 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi, I am currently finishing my Bachelor Business Administration in International Business at Saxion this year. Would I be able to join the short degree program of IHRM?

Mike, about 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Is it possible to start International Human Resource Management after MBO? Or is that step to big?

Amber , over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi, i got my conditional acceptance and i need to present my English certificate. I have a B2 level by Cambrige and i will be taking my IELTS exam next month. My concern is which is the safer option. What are your experiences?

Plamena, over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Can I apply for Applied computer science in February intake

Euler, over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Is there an International finance and accounting intake Feb 2022

Tawananyasha , over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Is there a February intake for the academic year of 2022/2023

Anesu Pasipanodya, over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi, I am from Iran and I would love to study at Saxtion University in the future To enter the field of human resource management, what field do I need to study for three years of high school?Mathematics, experimental sciences or humanities?

Bita, over 3 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Are internships or placements programs provided

Nokuphila, almost 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Is the International Human Resources degree taught in English?

Nokuphila, almost 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

How often do you have to be physically at University? Do you have to be there every day from Monday till Friday? I live in Utrecht and I wonder if I can study this program without moving to Enschede. (I ask about situation before pandemic, I know that now everything happens online)

Karina, almost 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi! I've applied to IHRM at Saxion University and also to HR studies: people management at Tilburg University. I am conditionally accepted to both of them and now I have to choose - applied or research. Could you tell me why did you choose Saxion and not any other university? P.S:I am also from BG

Aysun, almost 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Do you offer this course in two years instead of four years in 2021? Is the course completly online (also the tests)?

Ann-Sophie Povel, about 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello. I want to ask if there is a possibility for second internship or additional courses so to have an advantage for the future job

Tim, about 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, I want to know about scholarship policy of this school. Can you give me some idea? Thanks a lot

SUNE HAWARD, over 4 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Regarding course material, is there much based on statistics or research methods and if so what does this involve? I currently study HRM at a University but it is very theoretical and math-ful I think I want to change as I believe a more practical University of Applied Sciences course would suit me?

John, almost 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Can i ask if it easy to a job in software engineering after studying in the netherlands at saxion.I know its not your area of study but maybe you could refer me to friends at saxion doing the program. Thank you

Tanaka, about 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi, how to be sure that this program fits me?

Alex, about 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Could you recommend me what service/app/tool to use to store online my projects and files during my study at Saxion? I saw the answer from today but I hope for recomendation for service/app/tool (easy for use, popular in Saxion). Thank you for your help! Good night!

Alexander, over 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Are there outclass actitities which is not sport, because I'm not good at it?

Sam, over 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Is it mandatory to attend the HOI week?

Sam, over 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

What programs (apps) I have to have on my laptop for IHRM program? Do you know sites and sources where I can find helpful materials for this program?

Sam, over 5 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Dear whom this may concern, Could you please explain the application procedure for this particular program?

Lorenzo, almost 6 years ago
International Human Resource Management

I received conditional letter for acceptance. In what period of time I'm going to receive information from Saxion about Skype interview?

Alex, about 6 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hi, I have 2 questions: - how good at math do I have to be to be succesful at this course/how much and on which level does the course include math? - what does the SCC (skype interview part) include? any tipsn what should I be prepared for? i'm a bit nervous :/ thank you for your answer!

Kristina, about 6 years ago
International Human Resource Management

Hello, I'd like to ask, how is it with the end of school year? When is for example the earliest you can be done? Thank you :)

Kristina, about 6 years ago